Thursday, April 7

2nd, first court date

May 25th!

Our new court date... we are very glad that the new date is not much farther away!
but i have to be honest.  I have very mixed feelings right now.
I know our God is sovereign
I know He knows how this will work out.

I know people think:  it is still in May…. It is only a week more of waiting…. it will be ok, you'll see him soon….
I  know.  
i am sure many people think i am crazy and negative and too sensitive...
 sensitive i will give you!!!  i have never cried over ANYTHING in my life as i cry over our son, orphans, and adoption.
i am doing my best to walk through this journey knowing God is writing this story.
but i also have to be real, it's just me.
my guard is always up and now i am extra cautious about everything.  nothing is gauranteed in this process until the "process" is complete and little hun-nee is forever home!

so my eyes are full of tears and there is a knot in my throat and my heart is just sad….

BUT tomorrow is a new day AND a day closer to HOLDING our precious son!!

Wednesday, April 6

waiting for official word for our court date

last friday we got one of those e.mails that makes your stomach sick, your heart drop, and your body start to feel numb....  well at least that is how i feel every time i get an e.mail like that.... i'm just never sure what that update will mean.
there were two updates 
1. health
2. court

health update
our little hun-nee had an ear infection and upper respiratory infection several weeks ago.  it cleared up really quickly with some antibiotics.  with this update we found out the he has a reactive airway and there is some wheezing in his breathing.  apparently this is pretty normal after an infection and for many young children.  

i'm never really sure how to react to health updates.  i can't do anything. worrying won't help. 
my mom's words on monday were a great reminder.... the best thing you can do whether he is here or not is pray.  
sometimes that is hard to remember.  i wish prayer was ALWAYS my immediate reaction.

court update
our f.c. explained that there is a discrepancy between the court date the judge gave, may 13th, and the court date that is on the subpoena.


they hoped we would hear monday about the court date, but there was no news.
they told us we would know today, but still no confirmed date. 
the judge did hear the appeal today  and said she would look at the two dates and let us know tomorrow.  

with guarded hearts we are waiting for some final news...

the upside is that we have decided to take two little trips while we are in ethiopia.  we are going to visit the area our little hun-nee is from and go to the blue nile gorge with another family that has the same court day as we do.... well we think so ;)


our dear friends, the cassadas, received their approval on monday for two boys from rwanda.  they have had a super difficult journey with their adoption.  we couldn't be happier for them right now!!  check out this thought from her e.mail today....

you know what i said to pat last night, "WHAT IF we ended up flying home from ethiopia WITH the snyder's AND ezekiel?!?" he looked at me like, "yea, right!" i said, "GOD COULD DO IT!" he had nothing to say to that :-) (cause we have to go to ethiopia after rwanda to get the kids visa's)

how amazing AND crazy would that be!?!  i'm going to start praying!!