Thursday, August 19


Things have been super crazy around here lately, mainly because we have been collecting, pricing, and organizing LOTS of treasures for our yard sale / bake sale this SATURDAY!!!!

This is what my car look liked after I would make a trip to school or to pick up treasures from someones house!

AND HERE ARE PICTURES OF THE GROWING TREASURES IN OUR BASEMENT...these pictures were taken several days ago, believe it or not there is even more stuff now!!!

If you have treasures we are STILL :D taking them.  We will take anything and you can bring it up until Saturday.  If it comes on Saturday please bring it priced.  PLEASE come and SHOP!! We have LOTS and LOTS of great items!!

1 comment:

  1. didn't know you had a blog!! how cool is that. i love blogging. ok that was a side note. can't wait for the yard sale. we'll see you tomorrow.
