Saturday, July 10

New Jersey in and out

Today our Dossier arrived at Newark, NJ...

and departed from Newark!

a few rambling thoughts...

I can't really say this was an aha moment... more like ouch:
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it."
"Well, why don't you ask Him?"
"Because I'm afraid He would ask me the same question."
- Anonymous

I am convicted and conflicted while reading this book.  There are many things I can begin to change to make some difference, but what does it look like to have a complete life style change to make a difference that impacts others truly in need?  Where do I feel God calling me?  Is it a different location?  A different job?  More service?  I'm guessing mostly likely the need for a dramatic change of my heart is the best place to start.
Knowing that most people reading this book would be overwhelmed with the information and the unfathomable need in our world, Richard Stearns gently reminds the readers of three important principles:
  • Every one of these hurting people is created in God's image and loved by Him.
  • Every one of these challenges has a solution.
  • Every one of us can make a difference.
I wonder what that difference is going to look like in my life and how it will affect others? 

aha moment!
we must never see poverty or justice as "issues" that need solutions; rather we must see the human beings at the heart of those issues as people who need and deserve our love and respect. 
"I believe that we really can alter the world, but we can only do it one person at a time.  And when enough people choose to do this, even a crisis on a global scale can change."  Richard Stearns

1 comment:

  1. yes, one heart at a time.
    it's hard to keep that in the forefront of our minds when our hearts are so burdened for these "issues", isn't it??
